Let's Talk About Sex!

Let’s Talk About Sex!

A brave, collaborative place to discuss a variety of topics related to sexuality.

Our ‘Let’s Talk About Sex’ group will be a supportive, compassionate space for our community to discuss topics that may seem taboo but that we believe are healthy and healing to talk about. Let’s open up conversations around sex, our bodies, pleasure, kink/BDSM, social expectations, identity, desire, and more. This group runs for 12 weeks and is welcoming of people of all identities, genders, and relationship configurations. Email for more information and/or to schedule an interview.

Tuesdays 6-7:30 pm PST with Fox & Alexis
Fridays 4-5:30 pm PST with Evan & Chelsea

Beginning 2nd week of February 2022

For more info: talkaboutsex@relationalcenter.org