Jasmine Eddy

Who I work with:

​I support individuals, families, and partners in search of a safe place to heal and grow. Many of the people I support are working through career and life transitions. Others are working to build their self-confidence and create healthy relationships with their loved ones. Often my clients identify as LGBTQIA+, POC, and/or artists/creatives. I desire to support my clients as they explore and redefine their values, goals, and relationships.

How I work:

I believe that therapy should be a collaborative experience. Co-creating a strong therapeutic relationship allows us to show up more authentically which in turn provides a solid foundation to do the work together. You are the expert of your experience and I am here as a guide as you continue developing your understanding. Therapy is a space and time for you to care for yourself, so I look forward to helping you shape a comfortable space.

The stories we have about ourselves and our experiences are powerful. I invite clients to bring their stories into therapy and reflect on how these stories shape their lives. Whether these are stories of past events or stories that we are living now, they can impact our present situations. Clients can learn so much about themselves and when they examine the narratives they carry with them.

As an expressive arts therapist, I enjoy incorporating creative processes into my work with clients. The arts help us tap into feelings and experiences that are harder to express verbally. By engaging our other expressive capacities, such as visual arts, music, movement, or drama, we can create new ways to process your stories and gain clarity. Your creativity and imagination are welcome here.

Schedule A 20 Minute Consultation

‪(213) 342-1054