Navigating Communication, Connection & Conflict

Therapist-Facilitated Psychoeducation Group:

This virtual closed group is focused on navigating relationships, which includes how we engage socially, how we communicate, and how we address difficult conversations to have honest and authentic relationships.

How do we stay close to ourselves and get to know ourselves through relationships?

How do we address different daily misses and injuries on both a micro and macro level of conflict?

What we will be doing:

In the first few classes, we will be exploring your own relationship to these topics and get the tools to practice and learn skills around communication and connection.  

Knowledge about social engagement, communication, and relationships will be provided to build skills for yourself and to teach others these skills.

We will move into the models that exist for supporting connection as well as conflict and reparation. We will be practicing them together.

We will address how to move through relationships in the world and how to support ourselves and others when needs do not get met or things do not go as planned.

We will look at a different existing model of navigating communication, relationships, and conflict to explore them together. 

We will practice these models to see what resonates and what does not.

The homework will be to practice these models with someone else from class.

There will be additional psychoeducation and provision of tools and tips for self-soothing, how to attune to others, and gain empathy for yourself and others.  

The goal:

Can you bring awareness to the way you show up, feel, and communicate in relationships to gain deeper connections and tools to be in rewarding relationships in the world?

The idea is to come up with your own authentic way of being relationships, facing rupture and repair in your life, all to improve connection to yourself and others in the world.

Makeup of this course:

The methods I would want to look at include NVC, Relational-Gestalt, authentic relating, safe communication, DBT dear man, gestalt-relational approach, mindfulness, and psychological boundaries plus other models of rupture-repair.

What you will take away from this group:

You will gain self-soothing mechanisms, techniques of conversations, and ways to address conflicts to engage in relationships, rupture, and repair in your life.

A supportive, brave space and connect with the community

Cost, dates, and details:

The course will be at 630pm starting on Tuesday April 4th, 2023. 

This course meets for 1.5 hours every week for eight weeks.

This is a closed group and will have the same members each week.

The entire course is $300 dollars. If finances are an issue for you, please reach out and we can explore how to make this work.

TRC Members pay $100. 

If you bring a friend/sibling/roommate to practice with, they get a discounted fee.

We offer sliding scale rates to BIPOC Folks.