Our Request for Support 2020

Our Request for Support 2020

Please help us raise $80,000 so we can provide more trauma-informed psychotherapy by counselors committed to systemic change and social justice, which is critical now and will be for the months and years of healing and recovery that lay ahead. We are at a time of...
Black Trans Lives Matter

Black Trans Lives Matter

To be in pursuit of equity and justice, our activism must span the intersections of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, class, disability, nationality, and more. Our collective wellbeing depends on resisting the political status quo, redistributing...

Public Shared Experience

Public Shared Experience (PSE) A demystifying “Shared Experience” event to create more space for love and meaningful connection in the age of digital distractions. “Shared Experience” in terms of everyone has a role in the experience. Think of it like a yoga class for...

From the Executive Director…

In my role as Executive Director of The Relational Center, I get the opportunity to offer a personal message to our supporters through our newsletters. Right now, I think it’s especially important to use this platform to express my deep concern for the effects of the...

Spring 2017 Newsletter

We have a lot to share about what’s been going on at The Relational Center since Fall 2016. Browse the articles by navigating through the slider appearing below this intro. Here you’ll find a message from our Executive Director, a Fundraising Update, a...

Getting to Know Gabrielle

I am deeply grateful to be a part of The Relational Center community. This month marks my one-year anniversary working as an adjunct supervisor and group co-facilitator in the Community Project. I believe The Relational Center is stewarding an evolution in the field...

Building Bridges, Not Walls

It wasn’t like me to go so long without talking with my parents in Oklahoma, but since the dreaded election, it had felt increasingly difficult to pick up the phone. My last communication with them had been weeks earlier, when I had learned how they intended to vote...

Cleveland Rocks

Cleveland, OH, houses one of the Community Action Networks supported by The Relational Center’s Leadership Institute. Spearheaded by a handful of change makers, all bridged through our friend MaryAnn Kraus and the amazing folks at the Cleveland Gestalt...

2016 Year End Appeal

The Relational Center’s annual Year-End Appeal was our most successful end-of-year campaign to date. Thanks to an incentive program devised by Kaitlin Dull, our Community Engagement Specialist, there was wide-spread participation in the campaign from staff and...